terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013

One gesture on behalf of global peace

The other day I bought this candle at the supermarket, I was at the cash register and the little glass object caught my eye. Simple green candle and the words “Um gesto pela paz”, roughly translated into "one gesture on behalf of peace", and it cost me 1€. I didn´t give it much thought at first but then when I got home and place it on my nightstand I began to wonder, like I do all day in my head… What does 1€ and a candle have to do with peace? Well if you are religious you could pray for it, I guess, and the candle could be like a token to which you would direct your prays to. Or you could just lit it and feel warm inside, because you are somehow cheering for peace, you laugh at me but I know people like that lol. But what were my reasons? I couldn´t figure that out….

One thing I know for sure is that even though I feel like I don´t belong and pretty much every day I feel useless and plain awful – I know I have a purpose in life and that is why I am here. I want to make a difference (Yeah like a million people do), I know that but that is my true! I need to change the world, the entire world (yeah I live in a very special place, for crazy people). I want to fight for equality and peace – because I feel that if we could accept each other and respect each other for what we are, then there would be no reason for war and conflict. Of course it is impossible, I know, it is an intrinsic characteristic to the human race: the need for fortune and power. But if I could reach someone, if only I could help people understand the importance of listening to and accept others, I know I could make a difference and I would feel my existence has worth something… I just want to matter, to help someone, to fight for someone, because I feel such an insignificant person I can´t even see the point of doing anything else! Yes I am at that point! I don´t want to have a boring job that pays my bills and have a routine that will end when I die, and probably no one will care much about that. What have I done to contribute to world peace? Nothing yet, I bought a candle…

Someday I might bought another one and continue to live my boring life and dreaming about changing the world… Or maybe I will be someone great, one can only wish… I still can dream… When I don´t have dreams I am probably dead…

Well I hope you enjoyed another one of my upbeat declarations to the world lol… I am sorry if I ruined your day, mine is not better I assure you… I just wish you lots of love and happiness, and unlike me, actually feel you are doing what you are supposed to do… One “hurra” for happiness and fulfillment…

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